We take the time to review the source of your challenges, and discuss the treatment plan for recovery and prevention
Hands-on physiotherapy techniques are meant to facilitate better joint mobility, improve fascial and muscle flexibility, and promote flow of blood, lymph and nutrients
Physiotherapists are exercise specialists. We tailor your exercise program based on your individual needs. We continue to modify your exercise as you progress and provide you with a home exercise program.
Physiotherapists with additional training can diagnose and treat dizziness and balance disorders, from benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) to more complex disorders of the vestibular system.
Post Concussion Syndrome can be debilitating and disruptive. It is often managed using vestibular therapy, manual therapy and exercise.
Our Physiotherapists have additional training working with motor vehicle collisions. Using a multidisciplinary approach to diagnosis, you can expect an individualized treatment plan, addressing all aspects of your recovery.
For over 5000 years acupuncture has proven to assist in many conditions, from headaches to arthritic pain.
IMS/Dry needling is a different form of using the acupuncture needles, meant to reduce tone in taut muscle bands.
Both forms of needling are used to reduce pain and improve mobility.
Physiotherapist with special interest in the Temporo-Mandibular Joint (TMJ or Jaw Joint) provide manual techniques and needling together with exercise directed at the the TMJ to facilitate better function.
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